Walnut Lake Animal Hospital performs echocardiograms with Dr. Andy Rollo on Thursday's here in West Bloomfield. If you are interested in having your dog or cat's echo done with us then call our front desk to coordinate.
Ultrasounding the heart is very challenging. Dr. Rollo has taken multiple extended educational courses to help with his ability to perform this test. He performs echocardiograms repeatedly at his primary practice and at Walnut Lake Animal Hospital.
Most of the time, our patients are referred from other practices. We would like the records sent over and any bloodwork or radiogrpahs that have been performed.
Above you can see Dr. Tim Guild giving you an introduction to basic ultrasound understanding.
An echocardiogram is an test performed on the cardiovascular system focusing on the heart size, shape, and function. The test includes an ultrasound scan of all four chambers of the, the valves, and the muscles of the heart.
No sedation needed, most patients need to lay still and have a noninvasive probe placed over their heart. The doctor performing this test will slowly take videos and pictures to measure everything happening in the heart.
At our vet clinic, the echocardiogram is a drop off procedure. The front desk will coordinate your drop off time. You should expect your pet to stay for a few hours while the echo and testing is performed.
The echocardiogram is measured in real time and our veterinarian will read this interpretation at the time of the scan. This would mean you will get all the answers at the time of discharge.